This photograph of an alleged Alien Grey has done the rounds for a lot of years on the ufology circuit and on social media so i thought it best to promote the fact that this is Alien Grey is once again nothing but a hoax.
This photograph was handed to ufo investigator Robert Dean, Dean says he considers himself a professional UFO researcher and had "cosmic top secret" clearance while in the military Dean retired from the U.S. Army as a Command Sergeant Major after a 28-year career. He has appeared on radio programs, TV documentaries and at conferences discussing the subject of UFOs and a government cover up of alien visitations to Earth.
This is what Robert Dean had to say about this Alien Grey photo that was handed to him in 1994
“Is this real? Several years ago I was attending a UFO conference in Mexico City when a Mexican policeman approached me. He had a photo he said was a legitimate picture, he stated he knew it was an authentic photo of a small grey that had been captured by the Mexican Federal police at a crash site.
His sincerity and serious demeanor impressed me. Being as always cautious and somewhat dubious of such situations, I accepted the picture and thanked him for his efforts.
Over the years I have encountered other pictures that I learned were authentic and reflected on the legitimacy of the present picture. I submit this to the viewers as a very likely authentic photograph of a small grey."

The photo of the Grey is cropped from a larger image

This larger image to be exact a photograph taken backstage on the set of The Intruders sci fi TV series, Intruders was a four-hour CBS miniseries dealing with the subject of alien abduction that was first broadcast in 1992.