This Photo of an alleged skinwalker has done the rounds on social media more times than i care to count, what amazes me are some of the comments that are made about this photograph people actually think this is real.
So when you hear me say the people who promote these images are creating a FALSE REALITY for you to believe in that is exactly what i mean. A false reality is not good for your mental health a false reality is the reason the hoaxers and the scammers continue to thrive within the U.F.O communities on Facebook Twitter Youtube etc etc making it harder for real researchers to investigate REAL reports.
The Hoaxers and scammers thrive because people have accepted their false reality their constant bombardment of daily propaganda. If you were to believe all the videos lets say Third Phase of the moon puts out you would believe that this little blue planet of ours is visited daily by Aliens whizzing around in their spaceships common sense and reason and a bit of critical thinking tells you it's all nonsense designed to make you click on the link to make them money. And that is what it boils down to Money people need money and are willing to do anything for Money and that i where they EXPLOIT your beliefs,
A lot of people think i'm a skeptic a non believer a debunker, nothing could be further from the truth i believe we are not alone in the universe i even believe there is life in our very own solar system i believe in a lot of things my beliefs are built on facts not fiction and this is why the good people of social media land think i'm a skeptic, It's not my fault hat when i look into the latest sensationalist UFO Alien related videos or pictures they turn out to be Computer Generated Images or images taken from old Sci-Fi Movies it's not my fault your beliefs have been exploited by the Hoaxer its not my fault your Fake Reality bubble has been popped dont complain to me complain to the people who are punting the fakes.
In the past 25 years i have like you been searching for the Truth to the question are we alone in the cosmos and in that 25 years i have studied thousands of hours of video footage looked at thousands of photographs and out of all of that i can name about 5 or 6 videos that cant be explained the rest once you put the image analysis and research hours in can be explained.
All the links i am posting are of the real dis-informers these are the people who fill your social media pages with disinformation, these are the people who jump on any story without taking the time to research the facts, these are the people who peddle a false reality, like Third phase of the moon, Secureteam 10, UFO sightings daily etc etc etc the list is endless.
They want you to believe in their lies just so they can make a few dollars
The so called "Skinwalker" photo is actually taken from a 1980's sci fi film called XTRO