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 The Secret NASA Transmissions. This footage was intercepted and recorded by Martyn Stubbs, a former cable TV station manager from Vancouver, Canada. Over a period of five years he used his station’s satellite array to record 2,500 hours of space shuttle transmissions via NASA’s downlink.

When NASA found out they encrypted their satellite feeds ?   If NASA has nothing to hide then why did they encrypt their transmissions

UFO magazine (UK) first released the NASA "Smoking Gun" footage to the world in March of 2000. The video clips of UFOs presented on this release and the ones to follow are unique in their nature and it really IS a matter of becoming accustomed to looking for these objects and recognising their strange characteristics and movements. Many of these film clips are just "seconds" in length and will not make any kind of serious impression on your mind with just one quick viewing. The best way to take a "serious" look at these NASA UFOs is to take each film clip in slow speeds and fast speeds, forwards and backwards. It is easier to recognize their movement in this way. You will suddenly realise that these objects are not "natural". These objects move as if under some kind of purposeful guidance.

These objects cannot be explained away as "ice crystals" or "shooting stars" or even "water droplets" caught in the window panes or in the camera lens. Thus only two conclusions remain: either these objects are "man-made" or these objects are made by somebody or "something" else!


The object that interests me the most in this video is the one that appears around 3 minutes 38 seconds into the footage it appears as a dark ball moving from the bottom right of the screen towards centre screen, as it approaches centre screen it suddenly turns into a bright disc it then stops dead at about 4 minutes into the footage, where if you watch closely the objects right hand side appears to morph and change shape then it starts to glow brighter than the rest of the object, as the footage is filmed in infra red the glowing objects are the hottest objects if any of you have infra red security cameras check it out light a cigarette and watch how the end of the cig burns brightest in infra red, after watching this object it's clear to see it's not ice crystals or any other rubbish NASA have put out there to cover this massive breach of Security this object stops dead and changes shape you can see it for your own eyes.



After searching through hours of STS mission footage i came across this piece of film from 

STS 6  STS-6 was the sixth NASA Space Shuttle mission and the maiden flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Launched from Kennedy Space Center on 4 April 1983, the mission deployed the first Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-1, into orbit, before landing at Edwards Air Force Base on 9 April. STS-6 was the first Space Shuttle mission during which a spacewalk was conducted, and hence was the first in which the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) was used. ht


In this footage from 1983 you can clearly see the same objects that are seen in the STS-80 footage from 1996  The same objects seen in space 13 years earlier what are these unusual objects that appear to change shape what exactly are these pulsating objects that are attracted to Earths thunderstorms? tps://

                     STS 6 1983

                           STS 80 1996

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