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Ultraterrestrials are beings who come from beyond the realm of human experience altogether, whether from a parallel universe, alternate dimension, or they might just be closer to home possibly right under our feet within the Earths crust.


The Ultraterrestrial theory is used to explain other strange phenomena that often accompany UFO sightings, such as missing time , mysterious flying creatures and strange cryptids and poltergeist type activity basically anything that doesn't fit the typical U.F.O scenario.

Betty and Barney Hills description of their abductors is nothing like the description of your typical greys found in Hollywood films and TV programs the big head black wrap around eyes grey skin etc the Hills description was of a more human appearance a large head  small nose thin lipped mouth and large eyes further apart than a humans what if these beings had lied to the Hills about where they actually came from what if these beings were in fact a different branch of our evolutionary path ?


I have pondered all aspects of the U.F.O alien abduction phenomena and none of it makes sense, until you apply the Ultraterrestrial theory to the clues, within the evidence of what we actually know about U.F.O's and Alien Abduction cases there are many clues that point towards an Earthly origin of "Extra Terrestrial" visitors.  A quick example of this would be, we know for a fact that Nuclear facilities and weapons have been interfered with by Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, missiles were ready to launch nuclear reactors shutdown the list over the years is endless,  The Question is why would an Alien Race be bothered about us blowing our own planet and ourselves up in the process, People say because our radiation would effect them and their planet, well that would have to mean that  their planet would have to be real close to ours  for our radiation to effect them.  Stars collapse and die all the time spitting out more radioactive particles than human beings could ever produce , so I don't believe that's the reason why E.T is interested in our Nuclear weapons,  I believe the reason they are interested in our nuclear capabilities is the simple reason, they obviously share this planet with us and up until the point we reached Nuclear fission they had no interest in us, they probably viewed us as we view chimpanzees and other primates in the jungle we look at them as distant relatives to study and keep an eye on we like to study their progress and It appears we human beings may just be Monkeysto a Superior race of human being we are just another species of animal on the planets surface in the eyes of the Ultra-Terrestrials? 


Imagine what we would do as a society if monkeys in the jungle started making gunpowder , then they started to make nuclear fission and bombs I'm sure at some point in this hyperthetical scenario our scientists and military would put a stop to or at least have a fail safe mechanism  where total nuclear destruction of the planet could be avoided for example we would probably infiltrate the machines that launch the weapons switching them off when required to stop the monkeys destroying our habitat as well as their own, and i believe this is the scenario that has been playing out since we discovered how to split the atom only we are the Monkeys playing with fire in someone elses house.


Unidentified Aerial Phenomena over the centuries have been seen coming and going from our oceans and large bodies of water they have been seen coming out of volcanoes and mountains they have been witnessed coming and going from some of the remotest areas of the planet so where are they coming from where are they going  the only plausible explanation I can offer is they are accessing the deep biosphere through openings that lead into large open cavernous areas within the Earth where the upper mantle meets the crust where scientists have discovered huge mountainous areas some taller than Mount Everest what lives in these regions within the planet is anyones guess as we can't access those types of depths but they do say that there is more biological life in the deep biosphere than on the entire planets surface.

The scientists use earthquakes like a submarine uses sonar from the waves created by the quakes scientists have been able to map the inner Earth.


So let's say Hyperthetically speaking that a race of humanoid around 2.5 million years ago branched off from our evolutionary path, and let's say our species dominated the upper biosphere forcing them into the tunnels and cave systems of the planets Deep biosphere maybe this breakaway civilization kept digging and mining, further down into the planets crust like we surface dwellers wanted to conquer the skys,  maybe they wanted to go as far as they could down to conquer the subterranean world, and this is where I think over an evolutionary period they may have developed their psychic abilities, the further down into the planet the Earths magnetic field is stronger about 20 times stronger than on the surface,The strength of the field at the Earth's surface ranges from less than 30 microteslas (0.3 gauss) in an area including most of South America and South Africa to over 60 microteslas (0.6 gauss) around the magnetic poles in northern Canada and south of Australia, and in part of Siberia. The average magnetic field strength in the Earth's outer core was measured to be 25 Gauss, 50 times stronger than the magnetic field at the surface.


So it would be interesting to see what effects those magnetic forces would have on an unborn child of this Hyperthetical breakaway civilization how would that fetus develop under those conditions ?  how would the brain develop with those magnetic forces ?  how would the arms legs head etc form under these different circumstances and it is this train of thought that has led me to hypothesis that we are not dealing with an external presence but an internal presence that has basically evolved alongside us but they have become more  psychologically advanced through the conditions within the planet, they are human born of this Earth but not human in our sense of the word. If this is the case it would also explain why their vehicles are electro magnetic anti gravity whichever term you prefer, a race of beings living within a magnetic field twice as strong as on the surface would have a whole different set of physics equations to us,  as their calculations would have to overcome that obstacle and the fluctuating gravitational forces this would no doubt give them technological capabilities far more advanced than our science, if I am correct in my understanding of how magnetic forces can influence the human mind then I am pretty confident that magnetic forces 20 times stronger than on the planets surface could create the conditions for advanced psychic capabilities which leads me into why I think this is a more plausable explanation than the extra terrestrial hypothesis.


Another common theme within the Alien abduction scenario is abductees report that their captors have Psychic abilities abductees are spoken to through their minds, now I find this possibly the most interesting piece of evidence as we don't know their full psychic capabilities, we have all watched films where psychics can make people do things against their will or they can lift and move heavy objects with their minds but what are the capabilities of these "Alien" abductors ?

I think a large part of the abduction experience revolves around this psychic ability often mentioned by abductees, for instance the fact abductees can't remember what happened its like their consciousness has been patched over, somehow buried deep into their own psyche only to be retrieved in fragments through hypnosis, not a perfect science but when people are saying the same thing over and over you have to look into it from every angle no matter how absurd it appears.


Another point the victims make is the sensation of being paralysed not being able to move, again i would personally put this down to the  psychic ability of the abductor, it appears to me that if they can get into your head to talk to you then they can manipulate  the signals in your brain like the signals to your Primary Cortex's

The 2 parts of the brain that control your movement the left hand cortex controls the right handside of your body, the right hand cortex controls the left hand side, after reading the C.I.A files on remote viewing and a number of academic studies into parapsychology I think it would be fair to say there is something there that we just can't seem to put our fingers on it, our brains are capable of some psychic ability but nothing on the scale of the "Aliens" abilities according to the witnesses,

so this is why I believe any being that can get inside your brain to talk to you also has the ability to block the electrical impulses within the parts of the  brain that renders  their victims immobile but still conscious


Another aspect of the abduction phenomena is the "Hybrid Race" hypothesis, genetic material is taken from abductees to be used in a hybridization program of our species and their species, i'm pretty sure in order for that to be possible we would need to be pretty closely matched genetically, which again points back to them being from Earth and not a distant planet millions of light years away 

Its the little clues that start to make you think that the Ultra Terrestrial hypothesis is not as crazy as it first sounds 


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