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1981 North Yorkshire Moors

Writer: Michael BlackMichael Black

I suppose I should start this blog by introducing myself to you the reader.

Who am I ?

I am no one special just a regular joe

Who is interested in unexplained phenomena

Just a regular 9 to 5 guy looking for answers to some of life's hardest questions, like are we alone in the universe questions like could there be life on Mars or the moon's Europa and Titan, could intelligent life travel light years to get here? are alien abductions real or just figments of overactive brains coupled with sleep paralysis according to the scientists.

My interest in Unidentified Flying Objects started from an early age when one of my parents friends recalled a night they were hiking and camping on the North Yorkshire Moor's.

"It was about 2.30 in the morning and we heard a loud whistling sound" said Alan

"I got up and looked outside the tent it was pitch black and the whistling noise was getting louder, that's when we saw a green light come crashing down into the moors there was a massive explosion we were about 2 miles away from it we could see electrical sparks shooting out of the flames like lightning violently arking then there was a 2nd explosion it was the brightest thing I have ever seen" Alan then went on to explain

How they then witnessed a convoy of vehicles heading towards the crash site he said "you could see the headlights of the convoy on the road they were coming from the direction of R.A.F fylingdales thats when i said I'm off to have a look" Alan his wife and 3 of their friends who were camping with them set off to get a closer look .

When the group got close to the burning wreckage they knew straight away it wasn't a plane Alan described the wreckage he said "it was in 2 pieces but I could tell it was a disc shaped metallic object it was badly damaged the moors were on fire around it I noticed the colour of the metal change closest to the fire it glowed a strange purple gold colour that's when we heard men shouting for us to move away from it a flood light was then shone into our faces we had to turn away that's when the soldiers marched us up to the roadside"

Alan went on to explain that the military told them the object was a satellite that had crashed back to earth and it was common occurrence they were told to go back to their campsite which they duly did Alan said "you do as your told when a chap with a machine gun tells you to do something" but Alan and his friend Mark decided to double back and watch from the edge of a nearby forest he explained "me and Mark watched as the military men put the fire out then a huge transporter truck with a mobile crane appeared the crane was unloaded and driven onto the moors where men in rubber looking suits and gas masks attached the wreckage to the crane we sat and watched them load it onto the transporter they covered it with what looked like silver Foil then tarpaulins then another 2 transporters arrived 1 had a military bull dozer on it the other collected the crane

They bulldozed the whole area totally destroyed a patch of Heather it looked like a farmers field ready for planting by the time they finished at 5.20 in the morning I said to Mark we better get back to the campsite.

And it was this story that first intrigued me into the world of top secret military weapons and unidentified flying objects Alan's weird night happened back in the early 1980,s for years I tried to collaborate their story hitting brick walls at every turn Fylingdales refused to acknowledge their troops were deployed on the night in question my lucky break came in 1998 while drinking in a pub in Scarborough I befriended 2 Americans turned out they were from Fylingdales the first chap Luke was a radar operative and Steve was some type of satellite communications engineer anyway after a few stories games of pool and plenty of ale i asked if either of them had ever heard about a crashed satellite back in 1981

Luke looked at me and blurted out that his predecessor had told him about the recovery of an alien spaceship out on the moors

He went on to describe how the radar had picked up an object in near proximity to a French communication satellite Luke said "John told me they waited for it to move over the U.K that's when the order was given to bring it down He didn't tell me how they shot it down but he said whatever it was put a big hole in it because when it crashed it broke in 2

After recovering the wreckage it was loaded onto a transport plane and shipped to the United States". I asked them how they knew it was Alien Luke replied "they found non human body parts strewn around the crash site that's why they bull dozed it and burnt it after they picked up the parts" that's when Steve piped up and said they had to get to their digs for the night with that we said our goodbyes

In the years that followed I tried to find Luke and Steve using various social media platforms to no avail in hope I could persuade them to go on the record regarding the incident of 1981 and their knowledge of it.


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